microworld - higher education - visability

Detailed Description:

The sculptor's goal is to creatively express her vision in three dimensions. However, the ultimate success or failure of the work also depends on her ability to envision the many practical variables that influence the final outcome. Fine arts students in the studios at L'Ecole usually discover this the hard way. For instance, a student often finds out only after the final casting or sculpture that her selection of materials does not support her design model. Works of art are not exempt from the laws of physics, installation parameters, budgets, material availability or applicability.

Currently, students have no reliable methods of analyzing the feasibility of their constructions. How can they predict whether a three-dimensional object of significant scale can stand erect, hang, or fly, or whether a 100-foot-by-100-foot-by-1-inch curvilinear shape can be constructed out of Styrofoam with no visible means of support? Furthermore, fine arts students usually neglect to calculate whether an installation can be accomplished within the given budget. To eliminate the trial-and-error approach students often use in the design process, L'Ecole is investing in a technology-based environment to assist students with creative and practical and planning issues. The system will help students visualize their concept in three dimensions and make decisions that determine "if" and "how" the piece can exist in the real world. Students can manipulate design aspects within the system, and see the effects of their decisions on the end product. By understanding the many facets of the sculptors' work, the students can ensure their creative visions will take shape.

Learning Outcomes:

Learners will be able to:

  • Predict real-world structural integrity of prototypes
  • Analyze physical properties and integrity of materials used in their sculptures
  • Judge the applicability of various materials to a particular project
  • Develop abstract mental models of the relationship between art concepts and materials or media
  • Organize and balance a multiplicity of artistic considerations such as scale, texture, and surface
  • Follow a sound decision-making process during the design stage
  • Use problem-solving skills to address potential production and design problems
  • Analyze the spatial impacts and limitations of installation
  • Select the best tools for sculpting particular materials
  • Determine realistic budgets for individual pieces